Saturday 23 January 2010

Sherlock Holmes

It was in November when I went to see UP in the cinema and the trailer of Sherlock Holmes came on with the title in the front „New film from Guy Ritchie”. I turned to my friend and said, this is the next film I’m so not interested. Then the trailer started and it was like, well ok then, I am wrong.

Then Christmas came and Avatar came and finally Sherlock Holmes was the next film on my agenda. Well prepared with Tangfastic, chocolate covered Brazil nuts and half a litter of Diet Coca I was ready for the 128 minutes film.

So what we got was, great cinematography, unexpected shots, (some of them reminded me of Gothika.), terrific music and well selected Holmes figure.

Robert Downey Jr. is back, he is sooo back. He had some rough times in the nineties, drink-driving and drug problems, but what a hell. He plays this troubled genius character with perfection. Sometimes I lost the plot with his fast speaking and strange „British like” accent but we have to admit, the story wasn’t hard to follow. We were mesmerised with his shirtless self and his sense of humor. I have never thought of Sherlock Holmes being my dream man from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle books.

Neither Jude Law nor Rachel McAdams were making any impact on the film. Yes, they have pretty faces that is about it. Jude Law felt a bit lost next to his partner's scenes, genuine mind and charm.

They are planing to start the second film, but why? Please don’t! There is nothing to continue. Yes, it is a great entertainment. Yes. it is a good movie. And yes we fall in love with Robert Downey Jr. and his character but unless they come up with a great story line we will be all disappointed. I'm hoping to be wrong again.

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